I once met an ad guy who laughed at political campaigners who do everything by the numbers. He said that it is not the way to win an election. It was like a red flag to me because here was an ad guy saying there is another way of winning, when all along winning political campaigns is all about having 50.1 percent of the votes. Again, I repeat, elections are all about having the numbers to win and the ads are mere tools to increase awareness. They do not win elections.read more
Ms. Tiquia,
Greetings! My name's Jem Ang, a Communication Arts student at the De La Salle University. Am currently taking the course Society and Mass Media along with my groupmates. We are required to invite a speaker in line with the field of Media that's assigned to us-the New Media (elements surrounding internet, like blogs)--by our professor. I came across your blogsite and am wondering if you could be this speaker for us. The said Media Speaker Series will be on the 20th of August, 2-5pm. I could send you further details of the "talk" soOnest possible. Hope you accept our invitation. Thank you and Godspeed.
P.S. Ma'am, is there another way we could be in contact with you?
Sincerely yours,
Jem Ang
If you have stories to share, just submit and endorse them at
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