George Orwell once said, “during times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.”
So it came to pass that a hearing was called in the Senate by the Committee on Finance on 27 May 2014 with nary a media coverage on what some DBM officials have said about standard operating procedures within the Department and several lies peddled in the mass media: SARO errors, GAA as released document, fake SAROs, SAROs with DAP notes, zero budget and reforms in the budget process and DAP.
So it came to pass that a hearing was called in the Senate by the Committee on Finance on 27 May 2014 with nary a media coverage on what some DBM officials have said about standard operating procedures within the Department and several lies peddled in the mass media: SARO errors, GAA as released document, fake SAROs, SAROs with DAP notes, zero budget and reforms in the budget process and DAP.