Monday, June 30, 2014

Confounding the public

George Orwell once said, “during times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.” 

So it came to pass that a hearing was called in the Senate by the Committee on Finance on 27 May 2014 with nary a media coverage on what some DBM officials have said about standard operating procedures within the Department and several lies peddled in the mass media: SARO errors, GAA as released document, fake SAROs, SAROs with DAP notes, zero budget and reforms in the budget process and DAP.

Friday, June 13, 2014

2016 is more than just a name brand campaign

In my book product ads are different from brand ads such as political brands and country brands. Product ads sell. Political brands and country/nation brands (all under the umbrella term "place branding") are all about reputation.