Monday, March 24, 2014

Of ampaos, honor and creed

Rice crispies or ampaos are very prevalent in the country. There are round and square ones; plain or with peanuts. Sweet and brownish outside, the round ones are hollow inside. It was a growing up food for those who grew up in the province and a most anticipated pasalubong for kids who grew up in the metropolis.

Friday, March 07, 2014

For Binay to lose

Several weeks back in February, The Manila Times’ columnists had lunch with the Vice President. While we were waiting, a tour of the infamous Coconut Palace was made.

Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Centrist democratic party – shining hope

I was in in Duterte country over the weekend and again, I was treated to what can be. The Davao International Airport was a lot better than NAIA I, cleaner and more user-friendly than NAIA II, with functioning escalators compared to NAIA III. There was order in the taxi queue. There were no individual transactions on how much the fare would be. Before the taxi can go out the complex, the security by the gate logs the number of the taxi and the name of the rider.